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Showing posts with the label psychology

Secret of Happy life | choose present over past and future

 Choose your present over past and future | secret of a happy life Life is just like a lesson we learn, gain knowledge, try to adjust in new environment or phase of life and throughout our life we learn we implement and this is how life goes on.  Sometimes we achieve our goals sometimes we don't, sometimes we fail and at another time we got success. Life is like ups and down, there is happiness as well as sadnesses.  If you are facing problems, have financial issues, have family trouble, have social pressures, dear this is what life is.  Try to live in a current situation, because you can give best of you and you have situations in your hand. Not to look at past and future because you have nothing to do with that and ofcourse you cannot. If past is full of regrets then try to understand that you can't do anything what you have done wrong in past. Try to learn from mistake and move on.  And why looking at future ? Achieve your goals one by one, have patience and ...


 Depression is one of the mood disorder and it needs medication for its recovery. It depends on the symptoms, the severity of the symptoms,  and the duration of the symptoms to give the medication. There are different kinds of medication used in the treatment of depressive state. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor  Serotonin and nor epinephrine reuptake inhibitor Nor epinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors Tricyclic anti depressions ..

Humanistic Model

  In 1950s and 1950s another model of psychology has emerged named as Humanistic Model. It rejects the apraich that behavior is determined by the automatic forced and unconscious. According to this Model, people have control on their own lives and they have ability to make decisions about their own selves. It aims to understand the values of individual and group and also people's needs and goals, and gap between their potential and the fulfillment of those needs and goals. Abraham Maslow was the founder of Humanistic Model and it became officially part of APA in 1972. Maslow presented a heirarchy of human needs. He placed biological needs of physical survival in the bottom and self actualization at the top of the heirarchy. The other founder of this model was Carl Rogers, who was famous for his client or person centered therapy. In this therapy he allow his clients to make decisions and look into problem freely and he never advised them.