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Showing posts with the label anxiety

Secret of Happy life | choose present over past and future

 Choose your present over past and future | secret of a happy life Life is just like a lesson we learn, gain knowledge, try to adjust in new environment or phase of life and throughout our life we learn we implement and this is how life goes on.  Sometimes we achieve our goals sometimes we don't, sometimes we fail and at another time we got success. Life is like ups and down, there is happiness as well as sadnesses.  If you are facing problems, have financial issues, have family trouble, have social pressures, dear this is what life is.  Try to live in a current situation, because you can give best of you and you have situations in your hand. Not to look at past and future because you have nothing to do with that and ofcourse you cannot. If past is full of regrets then try to understand that you can't do anything what you have done wrong in past. Try to learn from mistake and move on.  And why looking at future ? Achieve your goals one by one, have patience and ...

Self esteem

 Self esteem is defined as how a person value and perceives his or her self.  Value is about the important and worth of an individual and perception means the way of looking at yourself. Sometimes in a life we didn't give importance to ourself and that's actually degrading your self esteem. One thing is necessary to remember that never give your key of happiness in others hands. Because you will going to rely on others, your emotions, happiness, sadness will automatically depends on others behavior or attitude.  It is important to always remember the strengths you have . And also you should know your weaknesses to work on it and overcome it . So that your weaknesses will never come in achieving your goal. Here are some tips or activities that enhance self esteem in an individual. 1. Positive self talk It's about how you think about your self and talk to your self, that have a strong influence on your self esteem. Sometimes in a difficult situation a person can give hims...

Obsessive compulsive disorder-OCD

OCD is a psychological disorder that affects people of any age and it includes the cycle of obsessions and compulsions.  This is the cycle of OCD that how it works. The cycle start with the unwanted and distressful thoughts and images known as obsessions. The recurrent thoughts cause anxiety in an individual that includes restlessness and irritable mood. When an individual unable to cope with these recurrent thoughts he performed behaviour to reduce his anxiety and it can be any task that is currently causing the anxiety. When and individual perform a task he get a relief from his recurrent thoughts and negative feelings. OCD include the symptoms or the task that may be related to our daily life functioning like checking the door locks, checking your mobile phone whether it is in the bag or not, checking the tap, cleaning the floor again and again. Person feel unsatisfied even if he or she check number of times. The unsatisfaction cause them anxiety and in a result they going to pe...

Health anxiety

 We all know that anxiety is a response to any situation or an event that includes the symptoms of restlessness, panic,  increase heartbeat and it can beneficial for some events like you prepare yourself for your best performance while copying up your anxiety. Anxiety is not always bad it help you to prepare yourself and to perform well in any situation or an event. That makes your performance better is good for you but here comes the disorder the distress that is caused by the anxiety.   Let's talk about the health anxiety that is previously known as the hyperchondria. Hypochondria or hypochondriaces is a condition that is defined as pre occupied with the fear of being ill or having a disease.  Now a days I have seen number of cases in which people have health anxiety and they used to diagnose and they also label themselves with the number of symptoms they read from Google or any medical source. Why people with health anxiety have so much information about the disea...

IQ versus learning ability

 As a psychologist and professionalist, I have seen that people talk about IQ means intelligent quotient and assess their IQ by taking a test which is not developed according to our culture and our country. Rather than conducting a test and measuring IQ we should focus on the learning abilities through the trial and error method. Not only try and error method there several ways to measure and observe or assess the learning ability of a client. In trial and error method with the number of trial the response of the correct answers increases. And it showed the ability of a client to learn and retain the new things. But if the graph of the correct responses with the number of trials is not increased but show some deterioration then there is need to be checked the client properly and his learning abilities.  ..

Bullying at School | Mental Health Issues in Adulthood

 Bullying is seen as a behavior to harm and  intimidate. Bullying disturb the victim physically as well mentally, leads to poor performance in school work and low self esteem. Many children avoid going to school, and they don't want to participate in social activities. An incident has reported in Norway that 3 boys committed suicide and left a notes. Those notes describe that they experienced bullying at school and in a result they loss interest in studies and  avoid going to school.  This is not only the example but there are many more in every region of the world. By looking at these incidents and their consequences we have to take steps to create bully- free environment by at least educate your own child about bullying, being a bully, being a victim. Help your child and talk about it freely and help him to cope with it. Seek help from professionals If child has some behavioral issues as well.  Bullying leads to severe mental issues and consequences. So it's t...

Postpartum Depression| untold anxiety

Postpartum depression Depression is a mental disorder we have discussed about many times. Postpartum depression is something that has not been discussed and people may not aware about it's symptoms, severity and criticalness.  The depression prior to giving birth. Usually we don't talk about it because we don't take it as serious condition. Women who suffer from postpartum depression really don't know what's going on with them and why?.  I have recently explore, when I go through this condition that postpartum depression needs treatment, family support and understanding.  Any woman regardless of age, ethnicity, race and culture may go through from this mood disorder or symptoms.  Baby means everything for a mother but on the other side responsibility, constant worry about the baby, 24/7 care of baby becomes the part of mother.  This is a condition of overwhelm anxiety, felling is sadness and tendency to isolate.  Mother's couldn't relax and sleep properly l...