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Secret of Happy life | choose present over past and future

 Choose your present over past and future | secret of a happy life Life is just like a lesson we learn, gain knowledge, try to adjust in new environment or phase of life and throughout our life we learn we implement and this is how life goes on.  Sometimes we achieve our goals sometimes we don't, sometimes we fail and at another time we got success. Life is like ups and down, there is happiness as well as sadnesses.  If you are facing problems, have financial issues, have family trouble, have social pressures, dear this is what life is.  Try to live in a current situation, because you can give best of you and you have situations in your hand. Not to look at past and future because you have nothing to do with that and ofcourse you cannot. If past is full of regrets then try to understand that you can't do anything what you have done wrong in past. Try to learn from mistake and move on.  And why looking at future ? Achieve your goals one by one, have patience and ...

Self esteem

 Self esteem is defined as how a person value and perceives his or her self.  Value is about the important and worth of an individual and perception means the way of looking at yourself. Sometimes in a life we didn't give importance to ourself and that's actually degrading your self esteem.

One thing is necessary to remember that never give your key of happiness in others hands. Because you will going to rely on others, your emotions, happiness, sadness will automatically depends on others behavior or attitude. 

It is important to always remember the strengths you have . And also you should know your weaknesses to work on it and overcome it . So that your weaknesses will never come in achieving your goal.

Here are some tips or activities that enhance self esteem in an individual. 1. Positive self talk It's about how you think about your self and talk to your self, that have a strong influence on your self esteem. Sometimes in a difficult situation a person can give himself positive and strong statements and that give him a motivation. Just like that pointing the positives things in yourself help in boosting the self esteem. If a person or client have habit of thinking in a negative way, then it needs to be modified.
 Use a Word STOP, when you think negative and reframe your statement.
 2. WHAT IS IN CONTROL There are some situations or people in our life that disturb our self esteem or mental health, and we have no control or way to change them. This is a point to focus and work on those things that are in your control. If we try to work on those things that are not in control then we push ourselves in a viscous cycle of mental issues. 
 3. find a tribe or support system It's like choose the people you spend most of the time with. Pick those people who really care about you and always boost your confidence. It's not about relying on them but a good social circle always motivate a person and give him alot of strength. 
 4. Celebrate Celebrate your achievements and success. Whatever you have done that gives you happiness, celebrate with your loved ones.
 5. Exercise Doing exercise makes you more healthier and fresh. You will not feel down or lazy anymore. There are many more things but it depends on the client's severity of the problem.


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