According to woodworth memory is defined as to remember which has been learned in the past. According to psychology there are various definition of memory but operational definition of memory is seen as the storage and retrieval of information.
However memory is classified in three types named as sensory information storage, short term memory and long term memory.
Sensory information storage
According to feldman this type of memory is taken as initial and it is short lived storage of information recorded as a meaningless stimulus. As it's name suggested that sensory means receive the information through all of your senses.
Short term memory
According to feldman short term memory is taken as the storage of information for about 15 to 25 seconds and it is also known as working memory. It is also named as primary memory. In this case the memory is stored in terms of meanings rather than as sensory stimulation. The rate of forgetting is very fast in short term memory because it retain for only about 20 to 30 seconds at maximum if you repeat it will then recorded and retained but if you not repeat it for a time for a number of trials then it will faded away.
Long term memory
This type of memory is taken as the storage of information on a permanent basis although retrieval maybe difficult. Long term memory is also named as secondary memory the rate of forgetting in this type of memory is lesser than the sensory or short term memory. The information stored and recall when the need arises. Sometimes long term memory can be disturbed in an individual due to any mental shock and their maybe any age factor or health issues.
In the last it is concluded that the sensory memory can be changed into the short memory and with the help of reputation and attention it changed into the long term memory. In short memory the rehearsal repetition help the memory to stored and transferred into the long term memory for a longer time period.
As there are three types of memory and it is the process to retain and recall the information there are some sub categories of memories named as episodeic memory and semantic memories.
Episode ek memories are defined as the information that is stored and it is related to the personal experiences and its details.
On the other hand semantic memories are stored organised facts about the world for example scientific, historical data and mathematical data.
However, semantic memory divided into two kinds the one is implicit memory that is the retention of skills and preferences without conscious recollection and other is explicit memory that is the memory of facts and experience is that one can consciously know and declare in words.
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